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Bethel Lutheran Brethren Church
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Lunes:09:00 am - 12:00 pm
Martes:09:00 am - 12:00 pm
Miércoles:09:00 am - 12:00 pm
Jueves:09:00 am - 12:00 pm
Viernes:09:00 am - 12:00 pm
Domingo:10:00 am - 01:00 pm

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Bethel Lutheran Brethren Church se puede encontrar en la siguiente dirección:

10 Pine Tree Rd

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(631) 423-4404
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Tired of living day to day in a world that tells you that you don’t measure up? Need some encouragement? Join us at Bethel on Sundays at 10 am in May and June to hear what God thinks about you.


See you tomorrow!


The Bible For Today 5.31.19 Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. Matthew 5:17 Restoration Christ has been about the business of restoration from the start. The thing about restoration is that we can’t restore something without fixing its structural integrity first. The Law had been broken, and it couldn’t simply be eliminated—it was just and good. No, Jesus knew that the only way our restoration to God could take place was by His first fixing the foundation. He did this by keeping the Law perfectly. He was the Lamb without blemish, pleasing and acceptable to God, ready to make atonement. When He offered Himself, not only did He fix the foundation that was broken, but He also fixed it with Himself, becoming the chief cornerstone. Appropriately, now that we have been restored to God, we too are about the business of restoration. As Jesus kept the Law perfectly, His pristine robes of righteousness are placed on us. God sees us as having kept the Law perfectly as well, but only by the tremendous sacrifice of Christ could this be done. And we work in this world to be the vessels through which the Holy Spirit restores others to God. Lord Jesus Christ, fulfiller of the Law and restorer of mankind, open our eyes to those around us who need to hear of Your restoring power. Amen.


It's that time of year again! Registration is now open for Bethel's 2019 Summer Camp/VBS. Click on the link below to sign up to attend or volunteer! Spread the word! https://vbspro.eve nts/p/events/bethelhuntington


The Bible For Today 5.30.19 This is His commandment, that we believe in the name of His Son Jesus Christ and love one another, just as He has commanded us. 1 John 3:23 Centered in Love Love is at the heart of who we are as Christians. It was in love that God created the world as a place of beauty and abundance. It was in love that He promised a Savior to redeem the world after humanity’s sin broke it. It was in love that He chose a nation through which the Savior would come. It was in love that He suffered, died, and rose. It was in love that He called followers to Himself and equipped them with His Spirit to make disciples as He commanded them. Love is at the heart of who we are as Christians. Our love grows in the overflow of His love; it is begun and nurtured by it. We cannot love apart from Him, as sin taints any love that we might imagine on our own. Love can come only from God. And when it does, it’s a beautiful thing that flourishes and stands firm in the face of any hardship. It is a love that forges friendships in Him, binds more deeply than blood, and forgives as wholly as He forgives us. Lord, let Your love grow in us, that we may love one another as You commanded. Amen.


Tired of living day to day in a world that tells you that you don’t measure up? Need some encouragement? Join us at Bethel on Sundays at 10 am in May and June to hear what God thinks about you.


Join us for breakfast before church.


The Bible For Today 5.17.19 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2 A Gift The generic phrase “life is a gift” might be found on inspirational ocean-scene posters or flowery greeting cards. But to whom is that gift given? We know that God gives life, as He alone creates and sustains life, and we know that eternal life was won for us at the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. How often do we consider, though, the fact that our life in Christ, having been delivered from the power of sin, is a gift for others? Such a thought might make us uncomfortable—after all, we’d much rather just let our lives be our own. We might feel that we should be able to do as we please with the time given us. Scripture tells us differently, though. Not only are we called to live our lives for the purpose of sharing the good news of God’s love in Christ, but we are also given gifts and talents that fit beautifully as members of Christ. Let’s use our lives to build up one another. Lord Jesus Christ, enable us to live out our Christian vocation in Your Body, the Church, even as we seek those who need to hear the good news of Your grace. Amen.


Save the date!


It's that time of year again! Registration is now open for Bethel's 2019 Summer Camp/VBS. Click on the link below to sign up to attend or volunteer! https://vbspro.eve nts/p/events/bethelhuntington


The Bible For Today 5.15.19 How much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without blemish to God, purify our conscience from dead works to serve the living God. Hebrews 9:14 Cleansed The Old Testament sacrificial system spoke of the seriousness of sin: life must be taken to make atonement. The people knew that each sacrifice would not be the last; sacrifice would need to be done continually because they sinned continually. But when Christ offered Himself as an atoning sacrifice for the sins of all people, the need for the ritual of sacrifice stopped. At His death, the tearing in two of the temple curtain and the rising of many in Jerusalem was no coincidence; they were signs that Jesus had made complete atonement. It was finished. Jesus’ rising was not only a restoration of all He had laid aside in humility to make that sacrifice; it was also a sign of His victory over sin, over death, and over Satan himself. Living in this Easter time as resurrection people, we rejoice in the cleansing of our conscience and in our being brought into the family of God. We are His chosen people, brought together from every nation to glorify His name and share His message of redemption in Christ. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for the atonement You made for our sins by Your blood. Let us in faith keep Your Easter and look forward to the final resurrection at the end of time. Amen.


2018 Confirmation Class


The Bible For Today 5.13.19 And this is the promise that He made to us—eternal life. 1 John 2:25 Kept in the Truth The beginning of this reading elicits images of darkness, fear, and uncertainty. There are so many things in life that already cause us to feel these things that we may be inclined to skip over such passages. But the difference between the daily news that warns us and passages of Scripture that warn us is that in Scripture we are given that which transforms those uncertainties and fears into comfort and confidence—namely, Jesus Christ. Our times are the last times; they are promised to be full of strife and false teachers and all of the devil’s schemes to lead people away from the truth. But Jesus has also promised us eternal life at the last and to preserve us in His truth, even as the world around us labors under the pains of these times. Let us work all the more earnestly, then, to carry the light of that truth to the world, joining in God’s purpose of seeking and saving the lost. Let us do so with love and with sincere prayer, that more souls may be brought to the knowledge of their Savior, Jesus Christ. Lord, draw us to Your Word that we may be comforted by and kept in the truth; open our eyes to those around us who need to hear it. Amen.


Tired of living day to day in a world that tells you that you don’t measure up? Need some encouragement? Join us at Bethel on Sundays at 10 am in May and June to hear what God thinks about you.


Come out a few minutes early and have a free breakfast with us before service.


The Bible For Today 5.9.19 We have spoken freely to you, Corinthians; our heart is wide open. 2 Corinthians 6:11 Hearts Wide Open Jesus, when He lived among us, reached out to the undesirables in Jewish society, healed and cast out demons, and never shrank from the demands on Him. Even when He prayed that the cup of suffering might pass from Him, He ended His prayer with, “Not My will, but Yours, be done” (Luke 22:42). Throughout Christ’s ministry, His heart was wide open. In our reading, Paul speaks of the hearts of those who were ministering to the Corinthians as being wide open, withholding nothing of themselves. But living in such an expansive manner is not without difficulty. In the earlier verses of the passage, Paul speaks of many struggles and sufferings the Corinthians have endured. There is no sugar-coating of this truth. Yet amid and sometimes because of the hardship, blessings were also liberally sprinkled. It can be scary to open your heart to those around you. An open heart is vulnerable to all sorts of pain. But only an open heart can receive the love that Christ lavishes on us, love that overflows to a hurting and broken world. That love will not only guard our hearts but will also heal the places to which it flows. Open our hearts, Lord, to Your Word, Your will, and Your call to witness, that we may live lives of love and care for those around us. Amen.


The Bible For Today 5.9.19 So I ask you not to lose heart over what I am suffering for you, which is your glory. Ephesians 3:13 How We Suffer Prior to being called by Jesus to carry His Gospel to the nations, Paul caused a great deal of suffering for the Christians. After he became a Christian himself, he suffered greatly for the faith he had been given. Paul viewed his suffering as a way to serve a purpose greater than his own need to escape it. He endured so he could witness about Christ’s salvation to all people. Paul’s focus was on the kingdom of God and on the cross—not on himself. It is only through God’s grace that he could turn his focus on God’s kingdom and away from himself. Suffering is rarely considered good, but when it has a purpose, we can usually endure better than when it doesn’t. That begs the question: Where can we find purpose in our suffering? Like Paul, there’s no better place for us to look than the cross. Jesus foretold both His suffering and ours, and we know that His was for our benefit. If we are suffering with Him, then our suffering can be for the benefit of our neighbor. His light shines from our lives, and it shines all the brighter during the dark times of life. Give us sight, Lord Jesus, to see Your cross when we suffer; may it comfort us and encourage us with the shining light of Your Gospel. Amen.


The Bible For Today 5.8.19 And falling to his knees he [Stephen] called out with a loud voice, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.” And when he had said this, he fell asleep. Acts 7:60 Where Is Your Hope? At the end of his life, Stephen was filled with hope even as he faced death. He knew he would live again because his Savior, Jesus, had defeated sin and death, rising from the tomb. Stephen’s hope was secure in Jesus Christ. Saul, who was present at Stephen’s stoning, had hope too. His hope, though, was in his righteous living and zealous pursuit of what he believed was God’s will. Along with most of the Pharisees, Saul was incensed that Stephen would not stop speaking of that rabble-rouser Jesus and the Pharisees’ part in His death. Even more, Stephen wouldn’t stop talking about how Jesus had risen from death and had ascended to God His Father! As Christians whose hope is in that same Jesus Christ, we know that regardless of what the Pharisees believed, Stephen spoke the truth. That same hope enabled Stephen both to witness to Christ’s salvation and to pray for the ones who were stoning him. It is how, even when surrounded by hopelessness and suffering, we can stand firm and secure in the certain knowledge of our salvation. We give You thanks, Jesus, that You have given us hope; turn our eyes to You in all things. Amen.


Sermon reminder. Preach this to yourself and to those around you everyday. 1 Corinthians 1.2.


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Aquí puedes encontrar videos de Bethel Lutheran Brethren Church:

Join us for worship!

Some little video clips from the 2015 Bethel Nursery School Christmas Program. Watch the children celebrate the birth of the Savior! Jesus is the reason for the season!

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Restaurantes cercano

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Plant Wise
15 E Deer Park Rd, Huntington Station
Comida sana, Vegano, Vegetariano
Zinburger Wine & Burger Bar
160 Walt Whitman Road, Walt Whitman Shops, Huntington Station
Americano, Asiático, Hamburguesa
Rincon Criollo Long Island
16 W Jericho Tpke, Huntington Station
Caribeño, Cubano, Latinoamericano
Cinque Terre Ristorante
872 E Jericho Tpke, Huntington Station
Europeo, Italiano
The Cheesecake Factory
160 Walt Whitman Rd, Huntington Station
The Original Guiseppe's Pizza & Pasta Restaurant
1727 New York Ave, Huntington Station
Comida casera, Europeo, Comida rápida, Italiano, Pizza
110 Japan Sushi Hibachi Lounge
179 Walt Whitman Rd, Huntington Station
Asiático, Sushi
Milito's Fine Italian Restaurant
315 Walt Whitman Rd, Huntington Station
Europeo, Estilo familiar, Italiano
Applebee's Grill + Bar
360 Walt Whitman Rd, Huntington Station
Spuntino Brick Oven Restaurant & Bar
687 Old Country Rd, Huntington Station
Comida casera, Europeo, Italiano, Pizza
Gastronomy kitchen by Cirella's
230 Walt Whitman Rd., Huntington Station
P.F. Chang's
160 Walt Whitman Rd, Spc 1027B, Huntington Station
Asiático, Chino, Dim sum, Sushi
Panera Bread
160 Walt Whitman Road, Huntington Station
Comida rápida
Migueleño Restaurant
2083 New York Ave, Huntington Station
Latinoamericano, Mexicano
Chipotle Mexican Grill
435 Walt Whitman Rd, Huntington Station
Comida rápida, Tex-mex
Monaco's Brick Oven Pizzeria and Restaurant of Huntington
146 W Jericho Tpke, Huntington Station
Americano, Comida casera, Europeo, Italiano, Pizza
The Spot
918 E Jericho Tpke, Huntington Station, Huntington Station
Zaro's Cafe "The Original Greek and Italian Restaurant"
135-6 W Jericho Tpke, Huntington Station
Comida casera, Europeo, Estilo familiar, Italiano, Pizza
Kohaku Japanese Restaurant
2089 New York Ave, Huntington Station
Asiático, Marisco, Sushi
Farmer's Chicken and Ribs
135 W Jericho Turnpike, Huntington Station
Americano, Barbacoa
Taste Of Africa- The Ellas
1747 Deer Park Ave, Huntington Station
Masalah Grill
195 Walt Whitman Rd, Huntington Station
Asiático, Indio, Pakistaní
Hoteles cercano

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88 Firestone Rd, Montauk
Complejo hotelero
Oheka Castle
135 W Gate Dr, Huntington
Sunset Beach
35 Shore Rd, Shelter Island Heights
The American Hotel (Restaurant) Sag Harbor.
45 Main St, Sag Harbor
Ice Palace
1 Ocean Walk, Sayville
Jedediah Hawkins Inn
400 S Jamesport Ave, Jamesport
Hotel, Hostería
Gurney's Montauk Resort & Seawater Spa
290 Old Montauk Hwy, Montauk
Balneario, Complejo hotelero
Hotel Indigo Long Island - East End
1830 West Main Street, Rt. 25, Riverhead
East Wind Long Island
5720 RT-25A, Wading River
The Surf Lodge
183 S Edgemere St, Montauk
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The Hampton Maid
259 E Montauk Hwy, Hampton Bays
Posada, Complejo hotelero
Montauk Manor Resort
236 Edgemere St, Montauk
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Topping Rose House
1 Bridgehampton/Sag Harbor Tpke, Bridgehampton
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The Montauk Beach House
55 S Elmwood Ave, Montauk
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Melville Marriott
1350 Walt Whitman Rd, Melville
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Baron's Cove
31 W Water St, Sag Harbor
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The Pridwin Hotel
81 Shore Rd, Shelter Island
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Hilton Garden Inn Stony Brook
1 Circle Rd, Stony Brook
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Atlantic Terrace
21 Ocean View Ter, Montauk
The Chequit
23 Grand Ave, Shelter Island Heights
Posada, Hotel, Hostería
The Madison Fire Island Pines
22 Atlantic Walk, Sayville
Posada, Complejo hotelero
Hyatt Place Long Island/East End
451 E Main St, Riverhead
Montauk Blue Hotel
108 S Emerson Ave, Montauk
Complejo hotelero
Hyatt Regency Long Island
1717 Motor Pkwy, Hauppauge
The Duncan Inn
1399 Main Rd, Jamesport
Hotel, Hostería, Motel
Agentes de bienes raices cercano
Peluqueros cercano

También revise estos Peluqueros cercanos:

Seriously Spoiled Salon and Spa
707 Old Country Rd, Huntington Station
Peluquería, Salón de uñas
822 E Jericho Turnpike, Huntington Station
Salon Notre
1842 E Jericho Tpke, Huntington Station
Cleaverz Mens Upscale Barber Shop
368 Old Walt Whitman Rd, Huntington Station
The Salon Project
230 Walt Whitman Rd, Flr 2 - SAKS Fifth Ave.,, Huntington Station
Peluquería, Maquillador
Sal & Gabis Barbershop
905 E Jericho Tpke, Huntington Station
Barbería, Peluquería
Personalised Hair Design, New York
295 W JERICHO TURNPIKE, Huntington Station
Peluquería, Maquillador
Moda Barber
833 E Jericho Tpke, Huntington Station
Alvaro Barber Shop
2044 New York Ave Huntington Station, Huntington Station
Barbería, Peluquería
Paramount Styles
15 E Deer Park Road, Huntington Station
Barbería, Peluquería, Servicio de cuidados de la piel
Gizay Michaels Salon
214 W Jericho Tpke, Huntington Station
Shear Honesty Hair Salon (Huntington, NY)
1907 New York Ave, Huntington Station
Barbería, Peluquería
Aire Blow Dry Bar
160 Walt Whitman Rd, Huntington Station
Nv Hair Company Inc
146 W Jericho Tpke Ste E, Huntington Station
Aviance & Company
274 E Jericho Tpke, Huntington Station
Tienda de cosméticos, Peluquería
Centro America Barberia
212 Depot Rd, Huntington Station
Le Crimp Hair Designers
328 Walt Whitman Rd, Huntington Station
Riah Nolas - Hair Studio
295 West Jericho Tpke, Huntington Station
Cosmix Beauty Studio
295 W Jericho Tpke, Huntington Station
Peluquería, Maquillador
Margo's Hair Studio
295 W Jericho Tpke Studio #23, Huntington Station
Donna Oggi Hair Salon
8 Boston Pl, Huntington Station
Hairworks salon
1931 New York Ave, Huntington Station
Panache Plus
858 E Jericho Tpke, Huntington Station
Sandra&Victoria's salon
1560 New York Ave, Huntington Station
Sola Salon Studios
295 West Jericho Turnpike, Huntington Station